Employee Recognition and the Powerful Science of Storytelling

How to improve employee engagement, communicate change, and increase awareness with employee stories.


What's inside the ebook?

Whether you're seeking to inspire employees, trying to guide an organization through change, or simply trying to bring everyone together, storytelling can work wonders when used in internal communications. 

Employee stories and employee recognition can do more than that, too. They can humanize leadership, foster behaviors and amplify important communications.

Above and beyond broadcasting company messages through traditional avenues, authentic storytelling is a potent business tool for internal communications managers.

Here's what you'll learn...

  1. The science of storytelling and the emotional impact it can have on your organization.
  2. What to write, how to interview employees, and how to write authentic employee recognition stories.
  3. The best places to publish employee recognition stories, and how these stories bring information to life.

Learn this and more by downloading your free ebook today. Just fill out the form and we'll send it to you instantly.

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